Natural causes of lycanthropy
We have seen the causes of mythological origin, but there are causes that are real and natural. These are the ones we discuss here.
We have seen the causes of mythological origin, but there are causes that are real and natural. These are the ones we discuss here.
As a logical continuation of mythology, it seems that the next step should be its origins. What is the mythological origin of lycanthropy?
The transformation into wolf, lobishome, werewolf or whatever you want to call yourself changes depending on the mythological sources from which you drink. Within the same mythology, such as traditional Galician mythology…
Lycanthropy is the transformation of a man or a woman in a wolf. The causes behind this transformation are diverse: curse, enchantment, divine punishment and action of the devil.
Hoxe tratamos en Galicia Alive por primeira vez o misticismo e a mitoloxía. A crenza popular da existencia de seres místicos e mitolóxicos está aínda, por sorte, moi arraigada nas terras galegas. Por certo, este tema co que iniciamos esta sección sob…
Fase a fase os galegos de Galicia a da súa diáspora imos avanzando na recuperación da normalidade. Nestes días moitas persoas tiraban dos recordos que a fotografías … converte en arte: Andrea Rodríguez.
Nestes días tan tristes e grises imos poñerlle un pouco de bo ritmo da man dunha gran muller, unha prometedora e xoven cantante noiesa: Paula.
Moi boas, Paula. É unha honra poder entrevistarte despois de escoitar o teu novo tema “Mar de esperanza”
Somos pobres cesteiros
Cestos que compoñer
Pobreciños de nosoutros
que vamos a morrer
Second day of the walk towards the capital of Galicia. After the excitement of doing the first stage of the Camino de Santiago, we continue with the same enthusiasm and perhaps more desire to do this second stage. Here is all…