The best way to get your own conclusions is to go to the primary sources. Is there any better way to know what General Miguel Solís Cuetos intended than by reading his uprising speech of May 2, 1846 in Lugo?


      • Carlist War I [Guerra Carlista I]
      • Political Instability: Multiple Governments
      • Constitution of 1837
      • Revolutions during the Regency of María Cristina
      • Revolutions during the Regency of Espartero
      • Moderate Decade
      • Revolutionary Boards in Galicia
      • Revolutions during the Reign of Elizabeth II
      • Constitution of 1845




Spanish people:

The honor, the glory, the salvation of an innocent queen, the consolidation of the institutions, the peace and fortune of the country call to you. Moments are precious, the slight delay adds you to the shame.

Thirty-eight years ago you gave Europe the example about your heroism. You have continuously shed the blood of so many sons to preserve the laurels del May 2; but all would be lost if today you don’t rush to save those same goals.

The queen and the country await their freedom from you. United under one flag, flee forever the spurious sons who with the decline of the nation humiliate you and sell you to your enemies.

Long live the free queen. Slave of a power that entrenched in the same fortress dictates for her laws in the shadow of a gang as cowardly as it is ominous, leading with the flattery, the hypocrisy and the vileness so perfidious to the point of disposing of the hand of his queen as of her will . Save her, and she will throw herself into your arms.

Out foreigners. The royal thalamus must not be allowed to be desecrated. Let the queen freely speak and her election will be as dignified as her Spanish decorum and pride is appropriate.

Surrounded the throne of pure Spaniards they will not hold her neck; and to work out its stability and ensure the happiness of the country, her talents and abundant means of good government will do see the Europe that, without neglecting good relations with the other states, Spain will no longer suffer from the policy outlined up to in the innermost by strange cabinets.

Stop dictatorships. The throne and the country, the unique powers marked in the Constitution of the monarchy are enough to save them; between the throne and the country there is no any foreign power that threatens this hour, then that one. The faithful observance of the Constitution of the monarchy, the exact fulfillment of the law, its application with dignity, the most severe responsibility, will give you the guarantee necessary and peace will be achieved.

All Spaniards! Under such a noble teaching you will obtain the fruit of so many sacrifices; make this last effort and that’s all.

There are no factions, there is no division, open the doors of the homeland to so many sons who, like you, shed their blood in defense of their queen and of the institutions, and outside of it today they mourn their emigration. Take refuge in this flag, come to the great work of our salvation forever. Oblivion the past. Enthusiasm in the postponement as worthy as it is great, hope for reconciliation, peace, happiness and fortune.

In order to fully carry out such a noble goal, listen submissively to the advice of the Central Board, as long as the meeting of the Constituent Courts can take place, his voice will lead you in the name of constitutional Elizabeth II, until the day comes, which is not far away, in which Y.M. can free, in union with the Courts themselves, consolidate once and for all the throne of her and the rights and independence of the nation.

Galician: Spaniards all: long live the free queen, long live the Constitution, foreigners out, stop the dictator Narváez, stop the tax system

Lugo, April 2, 1846 Acting Commanding General.

Miguel Solis Cuetos


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  1. HISTORIA DO MUNDO CONTEMPORÁNEO. 1 Bachillerato. Coord Eugenio García Almiñana. ECIR Editorial.
  2. HISTORIA 4º: Ciencias Sociales. M. Burgos, J. Calvo, M. Jaramillo, S. Martín. Editorial Anaya.
  3. Sermos Galiza: Vía Galega difunde un vídeo da Revolución Galega de 1846
  4. El Ideal Gallego: Los mártires de Carral que se alzaron en La Coruña
  5. La Voz de Galicia: Un revolucionario de 1846 en Corcubión y Cee: Hermógenes Villanueva
  6. Galicia Latina: La revuelta de 1846
  7. Eco Republicano: Los Mártires de Carral, 26 de abril de 1846
  8. ABC: El mito nacionalista de Carral
  9. Terra e Tempo: Historia e mito
  10. Cultura galega: Ramón Rúa Figueroa. Enxeñeiro de minas e membro da xeración provincialista de 1846
  11. Fundacion Domingo Fontán: LA REVOLUCIÓN GALLEGA DE 1846
  12. Galicia pueblo a pueblo: RUTA DE LOS MÁRTIRES DE CARRAL
  13. Boletín Oficial de la Provincia de Lugo – Núm. 4 – 9 xaneiro 1856
  14. La Oliva – Periódico de política, literatura e intereses materiales – Ano I Número 25 – 26 abril 1856
  15. La Oliva – Periódico de política, literatura e intereses materiales – Ano I Número 28 – 7 maio 1856
  16. La Revolución – Periódico oficial de la Junta Superior de Galicia – Número 2 – 1846 abril 19
  17. Congreso: Sesións Historicas do Congreso dos Deputados
  18. Congreso: 1837 – Mayoria Isabel II
  19. Congreso: Const1812
  20. Congreso: Const1837
  21. BOE Histórico: Gaceta de Madrid Nº 3199 del LUNES 3 DE JULIO DE 1843.
  22. BOE Histórico: 1843/3200/A00003-00003.pdf
  23. BOE Histórico: 1843/3205/A00003-00003
  26. Congreso: Constitución de 1845
  27. Wikisource: La Revolución. Periódico oficial de la Junta Superior de Galicia. núm. 1
  28. Reseña Histórica de los últimos acontecimientos políticos de Galicia, por Don Juan Do-Porto (1846):
  29. Nosdiario: 175 anos da batalla cacheiras
  30. Diccionario Geográfico Estadístico Histórico de España y sus posesiones de ultramar, página 56, Tomo XVI, Madrid 1850, Pascual Madoz
  31. “Revolución Galega de 1846 “, Francisco Tettamancy Gastón (La Coruña 1854 – 1921)
  32. La Revolución Gallega de 1846 Francisco Tettamancy Gastón
  33. NosDiario: Para que nos teman e nos respecten. A revolución galega de abril de 1846

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